UNIFY All-In-One Referral Marketing

Seamless, Scalable, Smart: Introducing NaXum’s Unify Platform

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Your End-to-End Solution for Referral Marketing Success

In the constantly evolving landscape of referral marketing—whether you’re in MLM, Direct Sales, or Affiliate Marketing—the NaXum Unify Platform is the comprehensive solution designed to amplify your reach and optimize your operations.

Integrated Platform for Holistic Impact

We synergize the unparalleled capabilities of our NaXum “Builder” marketing platform with our time-tested “Tracker” commission and shopping engine. The result? A unified, single-sign-on experience that delights your customers, empowers your affiliates, and simplifies life for your administrators.

Custom-Tailored Commission Tracking

Maximize Rewards, Motivate Action: Our engine isn’t one-size-fits-all. We create bespoke commission tracking engines that are fine-tuned to incentivize the behaviors that matter most to your business.

🔍 Our Tracking Modules Include Hybrid Systems of:

  • Uni-level Commissions
  • Matrix Commissions
  • Australian X-Up Commissions
  • Binary Commissions
  • Breakaway Commissions
  • Affiliate Commissions

A Modular, Customizable Affiliate Experience

Affiliates enjoy a rich, personalized platform with modules that can be customized to fit the unique needs of your business model.

🛠 Potential Modules Include:

1. Advanced Contact Management with Intelligent Search: Our advanced Contact Management system is meticulously designed to streamline your contact organization and retrieval processes. It functions as the cornerstone of your business’s relationship management efforts. The system’s intelligent search capabilities are engineered to make finding the precise information you need an effortless task, greatly enhancing overall efficiency and productivity.

Whether you’re managing personal contacts, nurturing business connections, or overseeing customer relationships, our Contact Management system offers a user-friendly and intuitive solution. You can effortlessly retrieve vital contact information, review past interactions, and access relevant notes by simply clicking or typing a few commands. This streamlined process enables you to engage with your contacts more efficiently, ultimately bolstering your relationships.

The intuitive user interface is thoughtfully crafted to meet and exceed industry standards. It sets a new trend in the space, providing affiliates, distributors, and businesses with a feature-rich and adaptable contact management platform. Our system’s industry-proven reliability ensures that your contact data is always accessible and secure, giving you peace of mind as you grow your network and expand your business.

2. Effortless Page Capture Functionality: Our Capture Pages feature is your ultimate tool for enhancing your online presence effortlessly. Creating engaging, visually appealing, and SEO-friendly landing pages is paramount in today’s competitive digital landscape. Our platform empowers you to craft landing pages that capture leads effectively and leave a lasting impression on your visitors.

Building a compelling online presence starts with effective page capture. With our tool, you can broaden your customer base by creating landing pages that are not only visually stunning but also exceptionally functional. These pages are carefully designed to guide visitors through a seamless journey, ultimately converting them into dedicated customers.

Our intuitive interface is tailored to meet the diverse needs of marketers and businesses. Whether you are an experienced web designer or new to the world of landing pages, our platform offers the versatility and user-friendly interface needed to design compelling web pages that deliver tangible outcomes. Say goodbye to the complexity of page creation and hello to effortless online success with our Capture Pages feature.

3. Predictive Content Generation Tools: Time is a precious resource in the world of marketing and business. Our Predictive Content Generation tools help you save valuable time while elevating engagement levels. Imagine a system that can generate tailor-made drafts for your social media posts, texts, and emails, ensuring your messaging resonates effectively with your specific audience.

Our innovative content generation system leverages advanced algorithms and data analysis to understand your audience’s preferences and behaviors. By automating content creation, you can focus on the strategic aspects of your business, ensuring a consistent and captivating online presence.

Whether you are managing a bustling social media presence, sending personalized text messages to your customers, or crafting compelling email marketing campaigns, our predictive content generation tools will be your invaluable companions. These tools allow you to deliver messages that capture attention and drive action, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates and greater customer satisfaction.

4. Replicated Webinars for Effective Outreach: Webinars have become a cornerstone of effective online outreach and engagement. Our Replicated Webinars feature empowers you to effortlessly host webinars, expanding your reach and leaving a lasting impact on your audience.

Our intuitive webinar platform is designed to simplify the hosting process, allowing you to connect with your audience meaningfully. Whether you’re a seasoned webinar host or just starting, our platform ensures your outreach efforts are efficient and effective. With a few clicks, you can effortlessly generate and duplicate webinars that connect with your audience effectively and yield positive outcomes.

Our Replicated Webinars feature includes various tools and capabilities to enhance your webinar experience. You can customize webinar content to suit different audience segments, track attendee engagement in real time, and even automate follow-up communications to nurture leads and convert them into loyal customers.

By leveraging the power of webinars, you can establish yourself as an authority in your industry, forge personal connections with your audience, and cultivate a community of actively engaged followers. Our Replicated Webinars feature makes hosting webinars a seamless and impactful part of your marketing and outreach strategy.

5. Replicated Sites for Streamlined Branding: Brand consistency is the bedrock of online success. With our Replicated Sites feature, you can maintain a cohesive and unswerving online branding presence. Easily customize and replicate your web presence across multiple affiliates and team members, ensuring your brand identity remains consistent and resonates with your target audience.

Our Replicated Sites feature streamlines the process of creating and sharing branded websites, eliminating the need for each affiliate or team member to design a website from scratch. Instead, you can provide them with a pre-designed template that reflects your brand’s unique style and messaging.

This streamlined approach enhances brand recognition and trust among your customers. When they encounter your brand across different affiliates’ websites or team members’ online spaces, they experience a consistent and reassuring brand identity. This consistency fosters trust and credibility, making attracting and retaining loyal customers easier.

Whether you are a business owner looking to empower your team or an affiliate marketer seeking to align with your brand, our Replicated Sites feature simplifies creating and maintaining branded web assets. It’s a powerful tool for ensuring your brand remains a solid and recognizable presence in the digital landscape.

6. Interactive Live Chat for Prospect Tracking and Support: Maintaining meaningful connections with your audience is essential in today’s fast-paced digital world. Our Live Chat functionality is meticulously designed for real-time prospect tracking and support, ensuring that you are always connected with your audience and able to provide immediate guidance and assistance.

This feature empowers you to engage with your audience as they explore your online presence, monitor their live interactions, and respond promptly to their inquiries. Whether a visitor has questions about your products, needs assistance with a particular issue, or seeks guidance on the next steps, our Live Chat functionality lets you be there for them in real-time.

Live Chat provides valuable insights into your audience’s needs, preferences, and pain points. By tracking their interactions and conversations, you can identify common challenges, address concerns, and tailor your support and guidance to their needs. The ability to offer real-time support and guidance is a powerful tool for nurturing leads toward successful conversion. When your audience can rely on your immediate assistance and expertise, they are more likely to trust your brand and do business with you.

7. Comprehensive Support Suite for Your Needs: We understand that navigating the world of marketing and business can come with challenges and questions. That’s why we offer an extensive Support Suite that is designed to address your every concern and provide the assistance you need to achieve your goals.

Our dedicated support team is committed to your success and can assist you. Whether you need troubleshooting assistance, guidance on using our platform’s features, or insights into best practices, we’ve got you covered.

The Support Suite covers a wide range of topics and areas, ensuring you have the necessary resources and assistance. From setting up your account to maximizing the potential of our tools and features, our support team is here to provide the support and guidance you need.

Your success is our success, and we are committed to helping you overcome challenges, reach your milestones, and achieve your objectives. With our comprehensive Support Suite, you have a reliable partner ready to assist you at every step of your journey.

8. Fully Customizable Shopping Carts for Seamless Transactions: Your e-commerce platform should reflect the unique needs and preferences of your business. That’s why we offer fully customizable shopping carts that allow you to tailor the shopping experience to your specific requirements.

Every business is different, and your e-commerce platform should adapt to your unique selling proposition and customer expectations. Our customizable shopping carts provide the flexibility you need to enhance the user experience, drive higher conversion rates, and increase customer satisfaction.

Our platform allows you to easily configure shopping carts to align with your branding, pricing structures, product categories, and payment gateways. Whether you’re selling physical products, digital downloads, or services, our shopping cart customization options ensure you can create a seamless and efficient transaction process for your customers.

Our customizable shopping carts are not just about aesthetics but about enhancing the overall shopping experience. You can boost customer satisfaction, increase order values, and ultimately drive revenue growth by giving your customers a seamless and tailored purchasing journey.

9. Multi-language Systems for Global Reach: Expanding your reach across borders is essential for business growth in today’s interconnected world. Our platform empowers you to connect with diverse audiences and effortlessly cater to a global clientele through our Multi-language Systems. Whether targeting local markets or expanding internationally, our multi-language capabilities provide the flexibility to communicate effectively with your audience, regardless of their language preferences.

Our Multi-language Systems allow you to easily translate your content, marketing materials, and messages into multiple languages. This ensures that your message is clear and resonates with your audience, regardless of their location or language. Expanding your global reach opens up new opportunities for growth and revenue generation. It allows you to tap into emerging markets, connect with a broader audience, and establish the brand as a global player. Utilizing our Multi-language Systems, you can confidently navigate the intricacies of international business and establish connections with customers across the globe.

10. Co-op Management Systems for Collaborative Success: Collaboration is a powerful catalyst for success. Our Co-op Management Systems are designed to foster collaboration within your network, allowing you to pool resources and expertise for mutual growth and success.

In today’s interconnected business landscape, the power of collaboration cannot be overstated. By working together with affiliates, partners, and team members, you can leverage collective strengths, share knowledge, and seize opportunities that may be beyond reach individually.

Our platform provides a collaborative environment where affiliates and partners can strategize, share insights, and execute joint initiatives. Whether co-hosting events, sharing marketing resources, or combining efforts for a common goal, our Co-op Management Systems make collaboration efficient and effective.

The benefits of collaboration extend to accelerated progress, increased opportunities, and a more dynamic network. By embracing a collaborative mindset and leveraging our Co-op Management Systems, you can drive success for yourself and your network while positively impacting the overall ecosystem.

11. Real-time Business Monitoring on Any Device: Business never stops, nor should your ability to monitor and manage it. Our Mobile/ANY Device Platform lets you stay connected and informed about your business in real-time, anytime, and anywhere.

Whether at your desk, in a meeting, or on the go, our platform ensures that you have the tools and insights you need at your fingertips. Real-time business monitoring means you can make well-informed decisions on the spot, respond to changing circumstances, and maintain a competitive edge.

Our platform updates essential business metrics, including sales, leads, customer interactions, and more. With internet access, you can access detailed reports and dashboards from any device, ensuring you are always in the know.

By staying connected and informed about your business, you can always make proactive decisions, seize opportunities as they arise, and drive success even in dynamic and fast-paced environments. With our Mobile/ANY Device Platform, you always control your business’s destiny.

12. Efficient WordPress Blogging System Integration: Blogging is a powerful tool for attracting and engaging your audience, and our platform makes it seamless by integrating with the renowned WordPress Blogging System. Enhance your SEO efforts, create high-quality, shareable content, and easily elevate your online presence.

Through our integration with WordPress, we streamline the blogging process, allowing you to focus on creating captivating content that forges a meaningful connection with your target audience. Whether you’re an experienced blogger or new to content creation, our platform provides the flexibility and tools you need to succeed.

You can easily create, manage, and publish blog posts directly from our platform, ensuring your content aligns with your brand’s messaging and objectives. Our integration simplifies blogging, empowering you to provide valuable content consistently. This, in turn, enhances your website’s SEO rankings and boosts visitor engagement.

Blogging is not just about words; it’s about building connections and trust with your audience. Through our seamless integration with WordPress, you can foster deeper relationships with your audience, share invaluable insights, and elevate your brand’s status as a prominent industry thought leader.

13. Team Training Center for Guided Affiliate Success: Empowering your affiliates with the necessary knowledge and tools is vital to building a strong and dynamic network. Our Team Training Center is designed to provide guided affiliate success, helping your team members navigate the journey to success.

We understand that success in affiliate marketing and network building is not just about recruiting members but nurturing their growth and development. Our Team Training Center offers a comprehensive training and guidance platform that equips your affiliates with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive.

From onboarding to advanced training, our platform provides a structured and user-friendly environment where affiliates can access training materials, resources, and mentorship. This guided approach ensures that affiliates are well-prepared to take effective action, connect with leads, and drive results.

Investing in the growth and development of your affiliates leads to a more robust and dynamic network. By offering the necessary support and guidance, you enable your team members to thrive, achieve meaningful results, and play a significant role in the overall success of your network.

With our Team Training Center, you’re not just building a network but a community of empowered and successful affiliates.

14. Rewards Tracking Platforms: Commission tracking for both customer rewards programs and referral marketing commission programs for your sales teams.

Unlock the full potential of your referral marketing operation. The NaXum Unify Platform is not just software; it’s your roadmap to success.