NaXum’s 9 Core Values serve as a guide for how employees interact amongst themselves, their clients, and their subscribers. These values are more than simple words on a page but a way of life. In fact, NaXum regularly reminds everyone of its core values. 

  • Be Passionate
  • KAIZEN: Constant and Never Ending Improvement
  • Deliver “WOW”
  • Crystal-Clear-Candid Communication
  • Promote from Within
  • Be Adventurous and Open Minded
  • Be Humble
  • Be Generous
  • Be Accountable and Take Ownership

What we do matters. There are millions of direct sales people and small business owners around the world that strive everyday for a better life. The tools we create allow these men, women, moms, dads and students to create the life they desire through leveraging technology. Are you ready to change the world?

At Naxum, our core value of “Kaizen” means a lot to the team. It means having an attitude and actions that are always willing to learn and hungry for more. Many of us call this a thirst for knowledge that makes you self-starter amongst your peers to solve a problem. It means you are always looking to make our processes in the NAXUM WAY better as you create with your peers, trusting that the teammate will bring the same energy to the table.

At Naxum, the core value of creating a “wow” for a customer extends through our entire organization. From product innovation & creation to customer service, our team is committed to creating “wow” experiences for our members, vendors, and clients.

How we deliver “wow” as innovators: When launching Mac’s OS X Operating System at Apple Computers, Steve Jobs said , “We made the buttons on the screen look so good you’ll want to lick them.” This is the attitude our Naxum team brings to product creation and development. We create an EXPERIENCE for our customers to say “WOW” by just using the product.

How we deliver “wow” through service: We call it a personal sense of urgency and ownership on our tasks as we follow them through to completion. It’s all about speed. In our world today, clients want results fast. We excel at communicating requirements and needs with clients so that both parties can execute their projects with speed.

At Naxum, the core value of Crystal-Clear-Candid Communication creates a path for real accountability and a solid foundation for teammates, vendors, and clients to truly excel on. Internally we have processes through written scopes, oral overview, code reviews, and questions & answer sessions to give our best teammates a clear picture of the tasks at hand.

With our vendors we collaborate closely on webinars and scope documents to work through creating any API connections necessary to truly serve the client’s members in a remarkable way. With our clients we meet for scheduled production meetings and use tools to mock-up their requirements in real time, allowing them to see what they are creating in design and through clear programming documents and our sign off process, clients are able to be incredibly clear on their requirements and needs.

Our core value of “promotion from within” represents our belief in our people. We believe that everyone has the potential for greatness and as we grow Naxum, we seek to grow our own internal staff by giving them the opportunity for new roles as the company expands. There is a commitment to doing more with less as our teammates use technology to leverage their own time and talent to contribute even more value to our clients, team members, and vendors.

As a team we want you to share your ideas to poke the box we call Naxum. We are constantly pursuing the future needs of our clients and seeking to innovate to be there to serve them. How can your contribution make a difference?

This is an attitude of always being helpful and supportive. You can see it when a teammate has no ego and is always willing to lend a hand to teach or assist. Many of you can think of this as the old biblical saying “Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you”. We maintain this core value with our Clients, Vendors, and Teammates. You will know you have this when you portray confidence without ego by being respectful to others without arrogance. We believe that our Character will speak for itself when we are always willing to listen.

When a client, teammate, or vendor encounters you they either feel better or worse when people leave. How will you choose to impact them? Being generous encompasses the idea of being charitable with your energy, your talent, and your resources. It’s an attitude that is benevolent, creating ways to give back as people and a company to better our world. It’s making people smile.

Leaders are owners. They act as if they are the personal owner by being accountable for their own actions, working with clients diligently, and taking care of the team to boost productivity. Do your part, take pride in your ARTwork. Be Accountable for your OWN ACTions. You’ll be amazed at the 10x results and what you are capable of if you “Just Do It”.

Teddy Roosevelt once said: “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. “